Public Health AmeriCorps Resources & Projects

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Resources & Information

Psychological First Aid (PFA)

Anther primary project of the PHAC team, is the implementation and education of Psychological First Aid. PFA is a training that allows people who have received it to provide basic psychological care in the short-term aftermath of a traumatic event. This training is an evidence-based workshop created by Johns Hopkins University. The workshop is a free, six-hour, interactive, virtual training course through Coursera designed for individuals without former mental health education. The training is asynchronous and has no deadline. This model would be used in the case of an emergency where injury or trauma occurs that is beyond the physical nature, such as in the aftermath of accidents, robberies, suicide, homicide, community violence, and mass disasters. All participants who complete the training and our organization's surveys will receive a certificate of completion from ASU Public Health AmeriCorps.

Why this program is valuable:

  • 72% of children in NC with diagnosed behavioral conditions have not met with a licensed mental health provider

  • Western NC saw suicide rates double from 2014-2018

  • 10-24 year olds in western NC are at a 30% higher risk of suicide, and 65 and older have a 22% higher risk

  • The average age at time of suicide was 19.7

See our Step-by-Step Instructions for RAPID-PFA Training Participants.

Medical Reserve Corps (MRC)

One of the main projects PHAC members at ASU are working on is the establishment of a Medical Reserve Corps unit. MRC units provide a unique service because they are made up of a pool of volunteers that are based within the local community. By creating a team of local leaders and volunteers, an MRC can implement strategies specific to the needs of the community. In addition, by establishing an MRC, Public Health AmeriCorps at App State hopes to create an environment in North Western North Carolina that fosters community health. It is our goal to establish a high-functioning MRC site through Appalachian State University, to establish training methods that follow the core values of the MRC, and to establish collaborations with local health agencies to increase the preparedness of the public health system in North Western North Carolina.

Currently, the team within PHAC at ASU is waiting to schedule a formal interview with an Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response (ASPR) employee. Once this step is completed, volunteer recruitment and training for the North Western NC MRC can begin.