

The faculty in the Department of Public Health & Exercise Science have research agendas that span a wide range of topics related to human performance and health. Below you will find the faculty research groups that function out of the facilities in Leon Levine Hall. If interested in becoming involved in any of these groups, reach out to the laboratory’s director. 

Applied Biomarker Laboratory 

The Applied Biomarker Lab (formerly the Sports-related Traumatic Brain Injury laboratory) was formed in 2017. Initially, the lab was founded to find blood-based biomarkers that could aid in concussion diagnosis. Since then, other topics and areas of study have been explored and are currently under investigation. However, the primary focus of the lab continues be on biomarkers found in bodily fluids. 

  • Director: Matthew Rogatzki, Ph.D.

Cardiometabolic Research Laboratory (CMRL)

The CMRL (room 122) investigates the role exercise, physical activity, and sedentary behavior can have on cardiometabolic and other health-related outcomes.

  • Director: Robert Kowalsky, Ph.D.

Cardiovascular Research Laboratory (CVRL)

The CVRL (room 118A) is interested in the study of the development of cardiovascular disease, especially amongst high risk populations, and interventions to prevent disease.

  • Director: Rebecca Kappus, Ph.D.

Community Health & Fitness Assessment Program

Housed in the Cardiopulmonary laboratory (room 122), the Community Health and Fitness Assessment Program offers testing opportunities for Appalachian and surrounding community members to help them improve and achieve their health and fitness goals.

  • Director: Robert Kowalsky, Ph.D.

Environmental Physiology & Exposure Research Group

The Environmental Physiology & Exposure Research Group (rooms 118B and 118E) investigates physiological responses to environmental stressors, including signaling mechanisms underlying thermoregulatory and microvascular dysfunction in primary aging and cardiovascular disease groups, as well as assessment of dermal carcinogen absorption and elucidation of key factors modulating absorption during occupational exposure in firefighters.

  • Director: Caroline Smith, Ph.D., FACSM

Healthy Outdoor Play & Exercise Laboratory (HOPE)

The HOPE laboratory (room 432L) is an interdisciplinary research initiative interested in investigating the role of outdoor physical activity, exercise, and play on health, the environment, and human development.

  • Director: Rebecca Battista, Ph.D., FACSM

Human Behavior in Physical Activity Laboratory (HBPA)

The HBPA laboratory (room 128) focuses on human behavior in exercise science, with a primary focus on behavioral motivation in various settings.

  • Director: Kimberly Fasczewski, Ph.D.

Injury Laboratory

The Injury laboratory is formed from the Electrophysiology (room 120) and Biomechanics (room 125) laboratories, and is focused on conducting groundbreaking research in the field of sports medicine by studying the effects of injury on joint mechanics and the nervous system.

  • Director: Alan Needle, Ph.D., FNATA

Integrative Muscle Physiology Laboratory (IMPL)

  • Director: Kevin Zwetsloot, Ph.D.

Locomotor Learning Laboratory

The Locomotor Learning laboratory (room 128) integrates community involvement, screening, and research for the betterment of the people of the high country by promoting healthy aging and independent lifestyles, in both geriatric and neurodegenerative disorders.

  • Director: Jared Skinner, Ph.D.

Measuring Motion Laboratory (MML)

The MML uses a variety of biomechanical analysis techniques to explore novel ways to accurately measure human movement in the field and validates those in the laboratory setting. The MML research is mostly conducted in the Biomechanics Laboratory (room 125).

  • Director: Herman van Werkhoven, Ph.D.

Sports Nutrition & Performance Laboratory (SNAP)

The Sports Nutrition & Performance Lab studies dietary interventions' effects on performance, recovery, and blood biomarkers in athletes, with a focus on women's health. Our research integrates physiological assessments with nutritional strategies, focusing on nutrient timing, ergogenic aids, hormonal influences on metabolism, and preventative nutrition to optimize performance and long-term health.

  • Director: Jennifer Kurtz, Ph.D.

Vascular Biology & Autonomic Studies Laboratory (VBASL)

The VBASL (room 118C) investigates how exercise lowers blood pressure and how treatments, such as antioxidant supplementation and chronic exercise, can sustain positive health benefits.  In addition, sleep architecture and its effects on physiological function is examined.

  • Director: Scott Collier, Ph.D., FACSM