Jennifer Kurtz


  • Ph.D. Kinesiology-Exercise Physiology (Nutrition Concentration), Georgia State University
  • M.S. Health and Human Performance, Georgia College and State University
  • B.S. Exercise Science, Georgia College and State University

Current Teaching

  • ES 3002 Exercise Physiology
  • ES 3003 Exercise Physiology Laboratory
  • ES 4555 Nutritional Aspects of Exercise and Sports
  • ES 5555 Advanced Nutritional Aspects of Exercise and Sports

Professional Affiliations / Organizations

  • International Society of Sports Nutrition
    • Certified Sports Nutritionist
  • American College of Sports Medicine
    • Certified Exercise Physiologist
  • National Strength and Conditioning Association
    • Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist

Laboratory Affiliation

Research Interests

  • Physiological assessments to nutritional interventions
  • Impact of nutrient timing and ergogenic aids in applied sports performance and recovery 
  • Preventative nutrition approaches
  • Hormonal influence on metabolism and performance
  • Resistance training and high-intensity interval training

Selected Publications

Kurtz, A. J., Grazer, J., Wilson, K., Feresin, G. R., Doyle A, J., Middleton, R., Devis, E., VanDusseldorp, A. T., Fasczewski, K., Otis, J. The effect of quercetin and citrulline on cycling time trial Performance. 2024. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition.

Brini, S., Granacher, U., Gonzalez, C. J., Badicu, G., Yagin, H. F., Clemente, M. F., Gonzalez, R. J., Kurtz, A. J., Elkholi, M. S., Alotaibi, H., Ardigo, P. L. 2024. Influence of daytime napping on hormonal and psychometric variables of professional male basketball players during increased game frequency period crossing Ramadan intermittent fasting: A crossover research design with repeated assessments. Journal of Men’s Health.

Brini S, Ardigò LP, Clemente FM, Raya-González J, Kurtz JA, Casazza GA, Castagna C, Bouassida A, Nobari H. 2023. Increased game frequency period crossing Ramadan intermittent fasting decreases fat mass, sleep duration, and recovery in male professional basketball players. PeerJ 11:e16507. doi: 10.7717/peerj.16507. PMID: 38077421; PMCID: PMC10702331.

Kurtz JA, VanDusseldorp TA, Otis J. 2023. Quercetin in Sports and Exercise: a review. International Journal of Exercise Science 16:2, 1334-1384.

Zapata-Muriel A, Echeverry P, VanDusseldorp T, Kurtz JA, Monsalves-Alvarez M. 2022. Measured versus label declared macronutrient and calorie content in Colombian commercially available whey proteins.  Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition 19:1, 258-266.

Salhi I, Abderrahman AB, Triki R, Clark CTC, Gaed S, Hackney AC, Saeidi A, Laher I, Kurtz JA, VanDusseldorp TA, Zouhal H. 2022. Gastrointestinal hormones, morphological characteristics, and physical performance in elite soccer players. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance 17:6.

Kurtz JA, VanDusseldorp TA, Doyle JA, Otis JS. 2021. Taurine in Sports and Exercise: a review. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition 18:39.

Kurtz JA, Grazer J, VanDusseldorp T, Carrol E, O’Donoghue L, Clark M, Reese J. 2021. The effect of altitude on the anaerobic energy system during a maximal 60 second sprint on a cycle ergometer. Journal of Exercise and Nutrition 4:2, 5.

Title: Assistant Professor, PhD, Kinesiology-Exercise Physiology, Nutrition, Director, Departmental Honors in Exercise Science, Graduate Faculty

Email address: Email me

Phone: (828) 262-8465

Fax: (828) 262-3138

Office address
Leon Levine Hall 454