Keane Hamilton


  • M.Sc., University College-Dublin (Ireland), 2015
    • Major field of study: Coaching and Exercise Science
  • B.A., Fort Lewis College (Durango, CO), 2011
    • Major field of study: Exercise Science, Exercise Specialist option

Courses Taught

  • ES 4000 Strength and Conditioning Theory and Practice
  • ES 4010 Application of Strength and Conditioning Principles
  • ES 4060/5060 Practicum: Strength and Conditioning
  • ES 5555 Advanced Nutritional Aspects of Exercise and Sports
  • ES 5652 Practical Concepts of Strength and Conditioning


  • Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (National Strength and Conditioning Association)

Laboratory Affiliation

Title: Lecturer, MS, Coaching and Exercise Science, Graduate Faculty (Affiliate)

Email address: Email me

Phone: (828) 262-2525

Fax: (828) 262-3138

Office address
Leon Levine Hall 433