Zachary Farris


  • Post-doctoral research - Virginia Tech & Centre ValBio, Madagascar
  • Ph.D. in Wildlife Conservation - Virginia Tech
  • M.A. in Biology - University of Arkansas (UALR)
  • B.S. in Biology - University of Central Arkansas

Current Teaching

  • ES 2030 Concepts in Anatomy and Physiology
  • ES 2031 Human Anatomy & Physiology I (Lab)
  • ES 2032 Human Anatomy & Physiology II (Lab)

Laboratory Affiliation

Research Interests

  • Wildlife Conservation via non-invasive monitoring and population modeling
  • Invasive and exotic species biology
  • Free-ranging dog population control (MadDogInitiative link below) 
  • Spatial and temporal species interactions
  • Human-wildlife interactions

Selected Publications


Farris Z.J., Gerber B., Valenta K., Rafaliarison R., Razafimahaimodison JC, Larney E., Hariniaina T., Randriana Z., Wright P.C., and Chapman C.A. (2017). Threats to a rainforest carnivore community: a multi-year assessment of occupancy and co-occurrence in Madagascar. Biological Conservation 210: 116-124.

Rich L., Davis C., Farris Z.J., et al. (2017). Assessing global patterns in carnivore occupancy and richness by integrating local camera trap surveys. Global Change Biology 26 (8): 918-929.

Farris Z.J., Kelly M., Karpanty S., Murphy A., Andrianjakarivelo V.,Ratelolahy F., and Holmes C. (2016). The times are a changin': Native and exotic multi-season occupancy across Makira Natural Park, Madagascar. Biological Conservation 206: 320-328.

*Brown K., Farris Z.J., Yesuf G., Gerber B., Rasambainarivo F., Karpanty S., Kelly M., Razafimahaimodison J.C., Larney E., Wright P., Johnson S. (2016). Assessing the potential co-occurrence of the introduced Asian common toad (Duttaphrynus melanostictus) with endemic carnivores in Madagascar. Biodiversity and Conservation.       *Dual first author

Murphy A., Farris Z.J., Karpanty S., Andrianjakarivelo V., and Kelly M.J. (2016). Flagships in Peril: Habitat Degradation and Trends in Lemur Population Dynamics in Northeastern Madagascar. International Journal of Primatology.

Farris Z.J., Golden, C., Kelly M.J., Karpanty S., Murphy, A., Andrianjakarivelo V.,Ratelolahy F., Holmes C., and Stauffer, D. (2015). Effects of hunting, exotic carnivores, micro-habitat, and landscape features on carnivore occupancy across the Masoala-Makira landscape, Madagascar. Plos One 

Farris Z.J., Kelly M., Karpanty S., Ratelolahy F., and Holmes C. (2015). Patterns of spatial co-occurrence among native and exotic carnivores in Madagascar. Animal Conservation 

Farris Z.J., Gerber B., Kelly M.J., Karpanty S., Murphy, F., and Andrianjakarivelo V., (2015). When carnivores roam: temporal patterns and partitioning among Madagascar’s native and exotic carnivores. Journal of Zoology 

Farris Z.J., Karpanty S., Ratelolahy F., and Kelly M.J. (2014). Predator-primate distribution, activity, and co-occurrence in relation to habitat and human activity across fragmented and contiguous forests in northeastern Madagascar. International Journal of Primatology 

Farris Z.J. (2012). Keeping a Field Notebook: A Review of Canfield, Michael R., editor. Field notes on science & nature. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Journal of Ecology. 

Farris Z.J., Gerber B., Karpanty S., Kelly M.J., Ratelolahy F. (In press). Spatio-temporal interactions between a native and exotic carnivore in NE Madagascar: Evidence of spatial exclusion. In Small Carnivores: Evolution, Ecology, Behavior, and Conservation. Eds. E.D.L. San, J.J. Sato, J.L. Belant, & M.J. Somers. Wiley-Blackwell (Oxford).



Zach J. Farris

Mad Dog Initiative

Title: Associate Professor, PhD, Wildlife Conservation

Email address: Email me

Phone: (828) 262-6455

Fax: (828) 262-3138

Office address
Leon Levine Hall 414