- Ph.D., Syracuse University, Department of Exercise Science, Specialization: Cardiovascular Exercise Science.
- M.S., Syracuse University, Department of Exercise Science, Specialization: Exercise Endocrinology
- B.S., Cortland State University, Major: Physical Education, Teaching Certification
Teaching Specialties
- Clinical Cardiovascular Physiology/Pathophysiology
- Student Research
Current Teaching
- HON 1515 Introducing Research
- ES 5645 Current Trends in Cardiopulmonary Pathophysiology
- ES 5620 Advanced Cardiorespiratory Physiology
Professional Affiliations / Organizations
- American College of Sports Medicine
- American Heart Association
- American Physiological Society
- Organization for the Study of Sex Differences
Laboratory Affiliation
- Vascular Biology and Autonomic Studies (Director)
Research Interests
Vascular remodeling and blood flow control associated with aerobic and resistance exercise training, along with acute and chronic alterations in the autonomic nervous system due to environmental (e.g. orthostatic challenges) challenges and pathological (e.g. hypertension) conditions. Current research projects include studies of sex differences on the effects of exercise mode on hemodynamic and vascular changes in a male and female pre-hypertensive and stage 1 hypertensive population and the role of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system in sex differences in vascular remodeling and kidney function in exercised animals.
Research Publications
(* Denotes Student)
- 50. *Sarean Harmoni A. Gaynor-Metzinger, N. Travis Triplett, Marco Meucci, Kimberly S. Fasczewski, *Damon H. Flinchum, Scott R. Collier. Central Arterial Stiffness, Wave Reflection, and Heart Rate Variability Following 4-Week High- Intensity Resistance Training Intervention in Young Active Women. EJAP. 2022
- 49. Meucci M, Nandagiri V, Kavirayuni VS, Whang A, Collier SR. Correlation Between Heart Rate at Maximal Fat Oxidation and Aerobic Threshold in Healthy Adolescent Boys and Girls. Pediatr Exerc Sci. 2021 May 6:1-5. doi: 10.1123/pes.2020-0210. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33958504.
- 48. *Tocci ND, Collier SR, Meucci M. Measures of ejection duration and subendocardial viability ratio in normal weight and overweight adolescent children. Physiol Rep. 2021 May;9(9):e14852. doi: 10.14814/phy2.14852. PMID: 33991440; PMCID: PMC8123553.
- 47. *Payseur DK, *Belhumeur JR, Curtin LA, Moody AM, Collier SR. The effect of acute alcohol ingestion on systemic hemodynamics and sleep architecture in young, healthy men. J Am Coll Health. 2020 May 5:1-8. doi: 10.1080/07448481.2020.1756826. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 32369424.
- 46. Collier SR, *McCraw C, *Campany M, *Lubkeman A, *StClair P, Ji H, Sandberg K, Morgan JW, Smith CJ. Withings Body Cardio versus Gold Standards of Pulse- Wave Velocity and Body Composition. J Pers Med. 2020 Mar 11;10(1):17. doi: 10.3390/jpm10010017. PMID: 32168728; PMCID: PMC7151625.
- 45. *Landram M, McAnulty S, Utter A, Baldari C, Guidetti L, Collier S. Effects of Continuous vs Discontinuous Aerobic Training on Cardiac Autonomic Remodeling. Int J Sports Med. 2019 Mar;40(3):180-185. doi: 10.1055/s-0044- 100921. Epub 2019 Jan 10. PMID: 30630193.
- 44. *Landram MJ, Utter AC, Baldari C, Guidetti L, McAnulty SR, Collier SR. Differential Effects of Continuous Versus Discontinuous Aerobic Training on Blood Pressure and Hemodynamics. J Strength Cond Res. 2018 Jan;32(1):97-104. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000001661. PMID: 27676274.
- 43. *Meucci M, Baldari C, Guidetti L, *Alley JR, Cook C, Collier SR. Metabolomic Shifts Following Play-Based Activity in Overweight Preadolescents. Curr Pediatr Rev. 2017;13(2):144-151. doi: 10.2174/1573396313666170113145553. PMID: 28088898.
- 42. Tibana RA, Almeida LM, DE Sousa Neto IV, DE Sousa NMF, DE Almeida JA, DE Salles BF, Bentes CM, Prestes J, Collier SR, Voltarelli FA. Extreme Conditioning Program Induced Acute Hypotensive Effects are Independent of the Exercise Session Intensity. Int J Exerc Sci. 2017 Dec 1;10(8):1165-1173. PMID: 29399246; PMCID: PMC5786200.
- 41. Caldwell KL, Bergman SM, Collier SR, Triplett NT, Quin R, Bergquist J, Pieper CF. Effects of tai chi chuan on anxiety and sleep quality in young adults: lessons from a randomized controlled feasibility study. Nat Sci Sleep. 2016 Nov 14;8:305- 314. doi: 10.2147/NSS.S117392. PMID: 27895522; PMCID: PMC5118018.
- 40. Wright SP, Hall Brown TS, Collier SR, Sandberg K. How consumer physical activity monitors could transform human physiology research. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2017 Mar 1;312(3):R358-R367. doi: 10.1152/ajpregu.00349.2016. PMID: 28052867;
- 39. Tibana RA, Nascimento Dda C, de Sousa NM, de Almeida JA, Moraes MR, Durigan JL, Collier SR, Prestes J. Similar hypotensive effects of combined aerobic and resistance exercise with 1 set versus 3 sets in women with metabolic syndrome. Clin Physiol Funct Imaging. 2015 Nov;35(6):443-50. doi: 10.1111/cpf.12182. Epub 2014 Aug 15. PMID: 25123256.
- 38. S McAnulty, L McAnulty, S Collier, TP Souza-Junior, J McBride. Tai Chi and Kung-Fupractice maintains physical performance but not vascular health in young versus old participants. The Physician and Sportsmedicine 2016 44 (2), 184-189
- 37. *Meucci M, Cook C, Prestes J, Collier SR. Cardiac Autonomic Modulation in Children Following 4 and 8 Weeks of Supervised Summer Activity. Journal of Childhood Obesity. 2015.
- 36. Morris DM, *Huot JR, *Jetton AM, Collier SR, Utter AC. Acute Sodium Ingestion BeforeExercise Increases Voluntary Water Consumption Resulting in Pre- Exercise Hyperhydrationand Improvement in Exercise Performance in the Heat Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab. 2015 47(2):250-6
- 35.*Jessica R. Alley, *John W. Mazzochi, Caroline J. Smith, David M. Morris and Scott R. Collier. Effects of Resistance Exercise Timing on Sleep Architecture and Nocturnal Blood Pressure. J Strength Cond Res. 2015 29(5):1378-85
- 34. *Kimberly Fairbrother, *Ben Cartner, *Jessica R. Alley, *Chelsea D. Curry, David Dickinson, David M. Morris, Scott R. Collier. Effects of exercise timing on sleep architecture and nocturnalblood pressure in prehypertensives. Vascular Health and Risk Management. 2014 12;10:691-8.
- 33. Sang Ouk Wee, Kenneth H. Pitetti, Styliani Goulopoulou, Scott R. Collier, Miriam Guerraand Tracy Baynard. Impact of Obesity and Down Syndrome on Peak Heart Rate and AerobicCapacity in Youth and Adults. Res Dev Disabil. 2014 36C:198-206
- 32. *Kanokwan Bunsawat, Goulopoulou, Stella, Scott R. Collier, Arturo Figueroa- Galvez, KenPitetti, Tracy Baynard. Normal Heart Rate with Tilt, Yet Autonomic Dysfunction in Persons with Down Syndrome. Med Sci Sports Exercise 2014 47(2):250-6
- 31. McAnulty LS, Collier SR, *Landram MJ, *Whittaker DS, *Isaacs SE, *Klemka JM, *Cheek SL, *Arms JC, McAnulty SR. Six weeks daily ingestion of whole blueberry powder increases natural killer cell counts and reduces arterial stiffness in sedentary males and females. Nutr Res. 2014 Jul;34(7):577-84. doi: 10.1016/j.nutres.2014.07.002. Epub 2014 Jul 8. PMID: 25150116.
- 30. Dos Santos ES, Asano RY, Filho IG, Lopes NL, Panelli P, Nascimento Dda C, Collier SR,Prestes J. Acute and chronic cardiovascular response to 16 weeks of combined eccentric or traditional resistance and aerobic training in elderly hypertensive women: a randomized controlled trial. J Strength Cond Res. 2014 28(11):3073-84
- 29. Tibana RA, Nascimento DD, de Sousa NM, de Almeida JA, Moraes MR, Durigan JL, CollierSR, Prestes J. Similar hypotensive effects of combined aerobic and resistance exercise with 1 setversus 3 sets in women with metabolic syndrome. Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging. 2014 35(6):443-50
- 28. Scott R. Collier, Kathryn Sandberg, *Ann Moody, Vincent Frechette, *Chelsea Curry, HongJi, *Rashmi Hottigoudar,* Debanik Chaudhuri, and *Marco Meucci. Reduction of plasma aldosterone and arterial stiffness in obese pre- and stage1 hypertensive subjects after aerobic exercise. Journal of Human Hypertension; 2014 (1):53-5
- 27. Martin M Root, Scott R Collier, Kevin A. Zwetsloot, *Katrina L West and *Megan C McGinn. A randomized trial of fish oil omega-3 fatty acids on arterial health, inflammation, andmetabolic syndrome in a young healthy population. Nutrition Journal; 2013 8;12(1):40
- 26. *Jetton A, *Meucci M, *Haines T, Collier SR, Utter AC. Dehydration and acute weight gainin mixed martial arts fighters before competition; JSCR; 2013 27(5):1322-6
- 25. *Marco Meucci, *Chelsea D Curry, Carlo Baldari, Laura Guidetti, Carol Cook, Scott R Collier. Effect of play-based summer break exercise on cardiovascular function in adolescents.Acta Pediologica; 2013;102(1):24-8
- 24. *M Meucci, C Cook, *CD Curry, L Guidetti, C Baldari, Collier SR. Effects of supervised exercise program on metabolic function in overweight adolescents. World Journal of Pediatrics;2013 (4):307-11
- 23. Collier SR, *Landram MJ. Treatment of prehypertension: lifestyle and/or medication.Vascular Health and Risk Management; 2012; (8):613-9
- 22. Collier SR, Frechette V, Sandberg, K, *Schafer P, Ji H., Smulyan H., Fernhall B. Sex Differences in resting hemodynamics and vascular stiffness following 4 weeks of exercisetraining. Biol Sex Differ. 2011; 2(1):9.
- 21. *Kappus RM, *Curry CD, McAnulty SM, *Welsh J, Nieman DC, Collier SR. The effects of amultiflavanoid supplement on central blood pressure and arterial stiffness following acute exercise. Oxid Med Cell Longev. 2011; 2 (1):0798.
- 20. Collier SR, *Diggle, MM, *Heffernan KS, *Kelly EE, *Tobin MM, Fernhall B. Changes inArterial Distensibility and Flow Mediated Dilation Following Acute Resistance vs. AerobicExercise. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 2010; 24(10):2846-52
- 19. Agiovlasitis S, Collier SR, Baynard T, Echols GH, Goulopoulou S, Figueroa A, Beets MW,Pitetti KH, Fernhall B. Autonomic response to upright tilt in people with and without Down syndrome. Research in Developmental Disabilities. 2010; 31(3):857-63
- 18. *Heffernan KS, Sosnoff JJ, Ofori E, Jae SY, Baynard T, Collier SR, *Goulopoulou S, FigueroaA, Woods JA, Pitetti KH, Fernhall B. Complexity of force output during static exercise in individuals with Down Syndrome. Journal of Applied Physiology. 2009; 106(4):1227-33
- 17. Fernhall B, Baynard T, Collier SR, Figueroa A, Goulopoulou S, Kamimori GH, Pitetti KH.Catecholamine Response to Maximal Exercise in Persons with Down Syndrome. American Journal of Cardiology. 2009; 103(5):724-6.
- 16. Collier SR, Kanaley JA, R. Carhart Jr., Frechette V, *Tobin MM, *Bennett N, *LuckenbaughAN, Fernhall B. Cardiac Autonomic Function and Baroreflex Changes Following 4 Weeks of Resistance Versus Aerobic Training in Individuals With Pre Hypertension. Acta Physiologica.2009; 195(3):339-48
- 15. Collier SR, Kanaley JA, Carhart Jr., Frechette V, *Tobin MM, *Hall AK, *Luckenbaugh AN,R., Fernhall B. Effect of 4 weeks of aerobic or resistance exercise training on arterial stiffness, blood flow and blood pressure in pre-and stage-1 hypertensives. Journal of Human Hypertension. 2008; 22(10):678-86.
- 14. Collier SR. Sex differences in the effects of aerobic and anaerobic exercise on blood pressureand arterial stiffness. Gender Medicine. 2008; 5(2):115-23.
- 13. *Heffernan K, Collier SR, *Kelly EE, Fernhall B. Arterial Stiffness and Baroreflex SensitivityFollowing Bouts of Aerobic and Resistance Exercise. International Journal of Sports Medicine. 2007; 28 (3): 197-203
- 12. Collier SR, Manini TM, Tillotson JW. Predictors of Success In Exercise Physiology. TheMentor: An Academic Advising Journal, 2007; 9 (1).
- 11. Collier SR, *Collins E, Kanaley JA. Oral Arginine Attenuates the Growth HormoneResponse to Resistance Exercise. Journal of Applied Physiology. 2006; 101: 848-852
- 10. Unnithan VB, *Kenne EM, Logan L, Collier SR, Turk M. The effect of partial body weight support on the energy cost of walking in children with spastic cerebral palsy; Pediatric ExerciseScience. 2006 18: 11-21
- 9. *Goulopoulou S, Figueroa A, Collier SR, Baynard T, Giannopoulou I, Fernhall B. CardiacAutonomic Control in Individuals with Down Syndrome. American Journal of Mental Retardation. 2006; 111(1): 27-34
- 8. *Heffernan K, *Kelly E, Collier SR, Fernhall B. Cardiac autonomic modulation during recovery from acute endurance versus resistance exercise; European Journal of CardiovascularPrevention and Rehabilitation. 2006; 13(1): 80-86
- 7. Fernhall B, Figueroa A, Collier SR, *Goulopoulou S,Giannopoulou I, Baynard T. RestingMetabolic Rate is Not Reduced in Obese Individuals with Down Syndrome. Mental Retardation. 2005; 43(6): 391-400
- 6. Kanaley JA, Giannopoulou I, Collier SR, Ploutz-Snyder R, Carhart R Jr. Hormone- replacement therapy use, but not race, impacts the resting and exercise-induced GH response inpostmenopausal women. European Journal of Endocrinology. 2005; 153(4): 527-33
- 5. Fernhall B, Figueroa A, Collier SR, Baynard T, *Giannopoulou I, *Goulopoulou S. Bluntedheart rate response to upright tilt in people with Down syndrome. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 2005; 86(4): 813-8
- 4. Collier SR, *Casey DP, Kanaley JA. Growth Hormone Responses to Varying Doses of OralArginine. Growth Hormone and IGF Research. 2005; 15 (2): 136-139
- 3. Clark BC, Collier SR, Manini TM, Ploutz-Snyder LL. Sex differences in muscle fatigabilityand activation patterns of the human quadriceps femoris. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 2005; 94: (1-2): 196-206
- 2. Figueroa A, Collier SR, Baynard T, *Giannopoulou I, *Goulopoulou S, Fernhall B. Impairedvagal modulation of heart rate in individuals with Down syndrome. Clinical Autonomic Research. 2005; 15(1): 45-50
- 1. *Heffernan K, Baynard T, *Goulopoulou S, Giannopoulou, I, Collier SR, Figueroa A, Fernhall B. Baroreflex Sensitivity During Static Exercise in Individuals with Down Syndrome. Medicineand Science in Sports and Exercise. 2005; 37(12): 2026- 31
Book Chapters
- Collier SR. “Sex Differences in Exercise Responses.” Encyclopedia of Lifestyle Medicine and Health. Sage Publications Inc. Thousand Oaks, CA. 2011
- Martens, B.K., & Collier SR. Developing fluent, efficient, and automatic repertoires of athletic performance. In J.K. Luiselli & D.R. Reed (Eds.), Behavioral sport psychology: Evidence-based approaches to performance enhancement. New York: Springer. 2011
- Collier SR. “Sex Differences in Cardiovascular Disease and Physiological Responses to Exercise.” Lifestyle Medicine; Epidemiology of Lifestyle Related Diseases. 2nd Edition. Taylor and Francis Group/CRC Press. Boca Raton, FL. 2011
Published Books and Monographs
- Collier SR. “The Cardiovascular Benefits of Exercise in Hypertensive Individuals” LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing AG & Co. Köln, Germany 2011

Title: Professor, PhD, Cardiovascular Exercise Science, Graduate Faculty, Faculty Director for Nationally Competitive Scholarships
Department: Health and Exercise Science
Email address: Email me
Phone: (828) 262-7145
Fax: (828) 262-3138