- Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Georgia, 2012-2014
- Ph.D., University of Georgia, 2012
- Major: Health Promotion & Behavior
- Ph.D. Dissertation: A Mixed-Methods Study Investigating Factors Influencing Rural Youths' Participation and Experiences in Outdoor, Noncompetitive Physical Activity
- M.A., University at Albany, 2005
- Major: Anthropology
- B.S., Binghamton University, 2003
- Major: Anthropology
- Minor: Biology
Teaching Specialties
- Public Health Program Evaluation
- Health Behavior Theory
- Public Health Interventions to promote Physical Activity
Current Courses Being Taught
- Introduction to Public Health (PH 2000)
- Foundations of Health Behavior (PH 3700)
- Public Health Interventions I (PH 3800)
- Physical Activity in Public Health (PH 4000)
Professional Affiliations / Organizations
- American Public Health Association
- American College of Sports Medicine
- U.S. Play Coalition
- Delta Omega Honorary Public Health Society
Laboratory Affiliation
Research Interests
- Promotion of rural children's outdoor play and physical activity
- Lifelong maintenance of physical activity
- Community-based participatory research (CBPR) approaches in rural areas
- Healthcare provider prescriptions for physical activity in nature (outdoor and park prescriptions)
Selected Publications
- James, J. J., Christiana, R. W., and Battista, R. A. (2019). A historical and critical analysis of park prescriptions. Journal of Leisure Research, 50(4), 311-329.
- Holland, B., Needle, A. R., Battista, R. A., West, S. T., and Christiana, R. W. (2019). Physical activity levels among rural adolescents with a history of ankle sprain and chronic ankle instability. PLoS ONE, 14(4), e0216243.
- Penglee, N., Christiana R. W., Battista, R. A., and Rosenberg, E. (2019). Smartphone use and physical activity among college students in health science-related majors in the United States and Thailand. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(8), 1315-1324.
- Hege, A., Ball, L., Christiana, R. W., Wallace, C., Hubbard, C., Truesdale, D., Hege, J., and Fleming, H. (2018). Social determinants of health and the effects on quality of life and well-being in 2 rural Appalachia communities: The community members’ perspective and implications for health disparities. Family & Community Health, 41(4), 244-254.
- James, J. J., Battista, B., and Christiana, R. W. (2018). Developing a park prescription program for your community. Parks & Recreation, 28-29.
- Hege, A., Christiana, R. W., Battista, R. A., and Parkhurst, H. (2017). Active living in rural Appalachia: Using the Rural Active Living Assessment (RALA) tools to explore environmental barriers. Preventive Medicine Reports, 8(1), 261-266.
- Christiana, R. W., James, J. J., Battista, R. A. (2017). Prescribing outdoor physical activity to children: Healthcare providers’ perspectives. Global Pediatric Health, 4(1), 1-7.
- Christiana, R. W., West, S., and Davis, M. (2017). The role of competition in leisure-time physical activity among middle school youth: Implications for park & recreation professionals. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 35(3), 65-80.
- Christiana, R. W., Battista, R. A., and James, J. J. (2017). Pediatrician prescriptions for outdoor physical activity among children: A pilot study. Preventive Medicine Reports, 5(1), 100-105.

Title: Associate Professor, PhD, Health Promotion and Behavior, Public Health Graduate Program Director, Graduate Faculty
Email address: Email me
Phone: (828) 262-6335
Fax: (828) 262-3138