Martie Thompson

Thompson CV


  • Epidemic Intelligence Service Officer, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1997-1999
  • Postdoctoral fellowship, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Emory University School of Medicine, 1995-1997
  • Ph.D., Community Psychology, Georgia State University, 1995
  • M.A., Community Psychology, Georgia State University, 1991
  • B.A., Psychology, Georgia State University, 1989

Current Teaching

  • Biostatistics (PH 3330)
  • Statistical Methods in Public Health (PH 5100)

Professional Affiliations/Organizations

  • American Psychological Association
  • Clemson University, Adjunct Professor
  • Emory University, Adjunct Professor
  • Sexual Experiences Survey (SES) Collaboration
  • Subject Matter Expert, National Mass Violence Victimization Resource Center, Medical University of South Carolina
  • Editorial Board, Journal of Family Psychology
  • Editorial Board, Psychology of Violence
  • Editorial Board, American Journal of Orthopsychiatry

Research Interests

  • Risk factors and consequences of interpersonal violence
  • Epidemiology of suicidal behavior
  • Adverse Childhood experiences
  • College student mental health

Recent Publications

Google Scholar profile

Kettrey, H., Thompson, M.P., Marx, R., & Davis, A. (in press). Who is considered a potential victim, perpetrator, or bystander? A systematic review and meta-analysis of research evaluating gender-specific campus sexual assault prevention programs implemented in the United States. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse.

Koss, M.P., Anderson, R., Peterson, Z., Littleton, H., Abbey, A., Kowalski, R., Thompson, M.P., Canan, S., White, J., McCauley, H., Orchowski, L., Fedina, L., Lopez, E. & Allen, C. (2024). The Revised Sexual Experiences Survey Victimization Version (SES-V):  Conceptualization, modifications, items and scoring. The Journal of Sex Research, 61, 839-867.

Kowalski, R. & Thompson, MP. (2024). Expanding the Sexual Experiences Survey to include cyber sexual victimization. The Journal of Sex Research, 61, 897-903.

Anderson, R.E, Peterson, Z.D., Koss, M.P., Abbey, A., Orchowski, L., Thompson, M.P., Kowalski, R., Littleton, H.L. (2024). Preliminary evidence of validity for the verbally coercive and illegal sexual exploitation modules of the Sexual Experiences Survey-Victimization. The Journal of Sex Research, 61, 922–935.

Thompson, M.P., Hudson-Flege, M., & Hancock, K. (2024). Long-term impacts of civic engagement during emerging adulthood: A nationally-representative study. American Journal of Health Promotion. 

Wu, S.H., Thompson. M.P., Hege, A., Christiana, R., & Tyson, J.  (2023). Physical activity is inversely associated with overall cancer risk among college students in the United States: Results from the National College Health Assessment. PLOSOne, 18, e0287129.

Kettrey, H.H., Thompson, M.P., Marx, R. & Davis, A. (2023).  Effects of campus intimate violence prevention programs on psychological and physical violence outcomes: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Experimental Criminology.

Carbajales-Dale, P., Annan-Coultas, D., Joseph, A., Thompson, M.P., Jafarifiroozabadi, R., Limber, S., Holaday, B.,& Mihandoust, S. (2023). Using GIS to Improve Public Health Emergency Response in Rural Areas During the COVID-19 Crisis: A Case Study of South Carolina, U.S. Transactions in GIS. DOI: 10.1111/tgis.13069

Thompson, M.P., Tyson, J.S., Hege, A., Seitz, C. (2023). COVID-related stress, risk for suicidal behavior, and protective factors in a national sample of college students. Journal of American College Health.

Kettrey, H.H., Thompson, M.P., Marx, R. & Davis, A. (in press). Effects of campus sexual assault prevention programs on attitudes and behaviors among American college students: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Adolescent Health.

Wu, S., Liu, Y., Thompson, M.P., Hege, A. (in press). Food environment index is inversely associated with gastric cancer incidence in the United States. Nutrition and Cancer.

Kettrey, H.H., & Thompson, M.P. (in press). Can a technology-amplified bystander effect impede the prevention of campus sexual assault? Findings from an experimental vignette study. Journal of School Violence.

Sugg, M.M., Runkle, J.D., Ryan, S., Singh, D., Green, S., & Thompson, M.P. (in press). Crisis response and suicidal behaviors of essential workers and children of essential workers throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Public Health Reports.

Orchowski, L.M., Zinzow, H.M., Thompson, M.P., & Wood, S. (2023). Open pilot trial of an interactive digital application for campus sexual violence prevention. Journal of Community Psychology, 51, 1977-2000. doi: 10.1002/jcop.22985

Gutowski, E., Freitag, S., Zhang, S., Thompson, M., & Kaslow, N. (2023). IPV, legal systems and barriers for African American women. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 38, 1279-1298.

Ennis, N., Rheingold, A., Zinzow, H., Thompson, M., Gilmore, A., Kilpatrick, D., & Hahn, C. (in press). Women’s behavioral coping responses during sexual assault: Association with posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms and the moderating role of alexithymia" Violence Against Women.

Thompson, M.P., & Kingree, J.B. (2022). Adverse childhood experiences, sexual victimization, and suicide ideation and attempts: A longitudinal path analysis spanning 22 years. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 92(3), 302–309.

Swartout, K.M., deHeer, B.A., Thompson, M.P., Zinzow, H.M., & Brennan, C.L. (2022). A cross-disciplinary review of empirical studies addressing repeat versus time-limited sexual violence perpetration. In L.M. Orchowski & A. Berkowitz (Eds.), Engaging boys and men in sexual assault prevention: Theory, research, and practice (pp. 411-422). Elsevier.

Bonar, E.E., DeGue, S., Abbey, A., Coker, A.L., Lindquist, C.H., McCauley, H.L., Miller, E., Senn, C.Y., Thompson, M.P., Ngo, Q.M., Cunningham, R.M., & Walton, M.A. (2022). Prevention of sexual violence among college students: Current challenges and future directions. Journal of American College Health. 70(2), 575-578.

Walsh, K., Sarvet, A.L., Wall, M., Gilbert, L., Santelli, J., Khan, S., Thompson. M.P., Reardon, L., Hirsch, J.S. Mellins, C.A., (2021). Prevalence and correlates of sexual assault perpetration and ambiguous consent in a representative sample of college students. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 36.

Thompson, M.P., Zinzow, H.M., Kingree, J.B., Pollard, L.E., Goree, J., Hudson-Flege, M., & Honnen, N.G. (2021). Pilot trial of an online sexual violence prevention program for college athletes. Psychology of Violence, 11(1), 92–100.

Walsh, K., Choo, T., Wall, M., Hirsch, J.S., Ford, J., Wilson, P.A., Santelli, J.S., Gilbert, L., Thompson, M.P., Khan, S., Mellins, C.A. (2020). Repeat sexual victimization during college: Prevalence and psychosocial correlates" Psychology of Violence, 10, 676-686.

Sianko, N., Kunkel, D., Thompson, M.P., Small, M.A., & McDonell, J.R. (2019). Trajectories of dating violence victimization and perpetration among rural adolescents. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 48, 2360-2376.

Huynh, H.V., Limber, S.P., Gray, C.L., Thompson, M.P., Wasonga, A.I et al (2019). Factors affecting the psychosocial well-being of orphan and separated children in five low- and middle-income countries: Which is more important, quality of care or care setting? PLoS ONE 14(6): e0218100.

Zinzow, H.M., Thompson, M.P., Fulmer, C., Goree, J., & Evinger, L. (2020).  Evaluation of a brief suicide prevention training program for college campuses. Archives of Suicide Research, 24, 82-95, DOI: 10.1080/13811118.2018.1509749

Brennan, C. L., Swartout, K. M., Goodnight, B. L., Cook, S. L., Parrott, D. J., Thompson, M. P., Newins, A. R., Barron, S., Carvalho, J., & Leone, R. M. (2019). Evidence for multiple classes of sexually-violent college men. Psychology of Violence, 9, 48–55.

Kingree, J.B., & Thompson, M.P. (2020). Sorority membership and sexual victimization: An examination of potential mediators of the association. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 35, 5834-5852.

Gilbert, L., Sarvet, A.L., Wall, M., Walsh, K., Reardon, L., Wilson, P., Santelli, J., Khan, S., Thompson, M.P., Hirsch, J.S., & Mellins, C.A. (2019). Deconstructing situational contexts associated with incapacitated and non-incapacitated sexual assault incidents among undergraduate women. Journal of Women’s Health, 28, 185-193.

Zinzow, H.M., & Thompson, M.P. (2019). Beliefs about consent and sexual assault perpetration in a longitudinal study of college men. Violence and Victims, 34, 548-565. Doi:


Current Projects

  • Principal Investigator. Impacts of Social Determinants of Health and COVID-19 Pandemic Factors on Suicide Risk among Youth. R16 funded by the National Institutes of Health (2023-2027).
  • Principal Investigator. Civic Engagement, Health, and Community: A Nationally-Representative Study on the Long-term Impacts of Civic Engagement during Emerging Adulthood. AmeriCorps (2022-2025).
  • Co-Investigator. Health Equity Data Consortium. North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (2023-2024).
  • Co-Investigator. Understanding the increased vulnerability to sexual violence of college students who are LGBTQ+ women to better inform prevention and intervention efforts. Appalachian State University-University Research Council (2023).
  • Co-Investigator. App State Public Health Program. AmeriCorps (2022-2025). 
  • Co-Investigator. Repository and benchmarking dashboard for campus climate data on sexual misconduct. NSF (2022-25).
Title: Blue Cross NC Distinguished/Endowed Professor , PhD, Community Psychology, Graduate Faculty

Email address: Email me

Phone: (828) 262-7685

Fax: (828) 262-3138

Office address
Leon Levine Hall 492