- Post-doctoral research fellowship - University of Missouri, Columbia
- Ph.D. in Bioenergetics - East Carolina University
- M.A. in Physical Education - California State University, Chico
- B.S. in Exercise Physiology - California State University, Chico
Current Teaching
- ES 2035 - Introduction to Human Anatomy & Physiology
- ES 3002 - Exercise Physiology
- ES 3003 - Exercise Physiology Laboratory
- ES 5624 - Physiology of Exercise
Professional Affiliations / Organizations
- American Physiological Society
- American College of Sports Medicine
Laboratory Affiliation
- Biochemistry (Director)
- Vivarium
Research Interests
- My primary scholarly interests include investigating the mechanisms responsible for sarcopenia (the age-related loss of skeletal muscle mass and strength) and skeletal muscle repair/regeneration after injury. My laboratory seeks to develop exercise and/or nutritional interventions for the treatment/prevention of sarcopenia and enhanced recovery of skeletal muscle from damage.
- Furthermore, my laboratory focuses on the role inflammation plays in sarcopenia and the failed regrowth from atrophy in aged skeletal muscle, as well as in skeletal muscle repair and regeneration after injury.
- Additionally, my laboratory investigates the role of exercise on the composition and diversity of the gut microbiome.
Current research projects include:
- Phytoecdysteroid supplementation on growth and function characteristics in young and old skeletal muscle in response to resistance and endurance exercise
- Phytoecdysteroid supplementation on the recovery of function and structural characteristics in young and old skeletal muscle in response to eccentric contraction-induced injury
- Influence of exercise on the composition, diversity, and function of the gut microbiota in young and aging subjects
- Effect of exercise on the recolonization and function of the gut microbiota after a course of antibiotics
Selected Publications
Google Scholar link for all publications
# - denotes student trainee
- Zwetsloot, K.A., L.M. Westerkamp, B.F. Holmes, and T. P. Gavin. “AMPK regulates basal skeletal muscle capillarization and VEGF expression, but is not necessary for the angiogenic response to exercise.” Journal of Physiology. 586(24). 6021-6035. 2008. doi: 10.1113/jphysiol.2008.159871
- Zwetsloot, K.A.*, A. Nedergaard*, T.E. Childs, and F.W. Booth. “Differences in transcriptional patterns of extracellular matrix, inflammatory, and myogenic regulatory genes in myofibroblasts, fibroblasts, and muscle precursor cells isolated from old male rat skeletal muscle using a novel cell isolation procedure.” Biogerontology. 13(4). 383-398. 2012. * - denotes authors contributed equally to this work. doi: 10.1007/s10522-012-9382-7
- Zwetsloot, K.A., T.E. Childs, L.T. Gilpin, and F.W. Booth. “Zero-passaged muscle precursor cells from old skeletal muscle have delayed proliferation and differentiation.” Cell Proliferation. 46(1). 45-57. 2013. doi: 10.1111/cpr.12007
- Zwetsloot, K.A., C.S. John#, M.M. Lawrence#, R.A. Battista, and R.A. Shanely. “High intensity interval training induces a modest inflammatory response in young active men.” Journal of Inflammation Research. 7. 9-17. 2014. doi: 10.2147/JIR.S54721
- Shanely, R.A., K.A. Zwetsloot, N.T. Triplett, M.P. Meaney, G.E. Farris, and D.C. Nieman. “Human skeletal muscle biopsy procedures using the modified Bergström technique.” Journal of Visualized Experiments. (91) e51812. 2014. doi:10.3791/51812
- Zwetsloot, K.A., R.A. Shanely, E.K. Merritt, and J.M. McBride. Invited Review: “Phytoecdysteroids: A Novel, Non-Androgenic Alternative for Muscle Health and Performance.” Journal of Steroids & Hormonal Science. 12:e001. 2014. doi: 10.4172/2157-7536.S12-e001
- Godwin, J.S.#, C.F. Hodgman#, A.R. Needle, K.A. Zwetsloot, and R.A. Shanely. Whole-body Heat Shock Accelerates Recovery from Impact-Induced Skeletal Muscle Damage in Mice. Conditioning Medicine. 2(4): 184-191. August 2020.
- Nieman, D.C., K.A. Zwetsloot, A.J. Simonson, A.T. Hoyle, X. Wang, H.K. Nelson, C. Lefranc-Millot, and L. Guerin-Deremaux. Effects of Whey and Pea Protein Supplementation on Post-Eccentric Exercise Muscle Damage: A Randomized Trial. Nutrients. 12(8): 2382. August 2020. doi: 10.3390/nu12082382
- Lawrence, M.M.#, K.A. Zwetsloot, S.T. Arthur, C.A. Sherman#, J.R. Huot, V. Badmaev, M. Grace, M.A. Lila, D.C. Nieman, and R.A. Shanely. Phytoecdysteroids Do Not Have Anabolic Effects in Skeletal Muscle in Sedentary Aging Mice. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health - Special Issue: Regulation of Muscle Mass, Exercise, and Metabolism. 18, 370. January 2021. doi: 10.3390/ijerph18020370
- Zwetsloot, K.A., R.A. Shanely, J.S. Godwin#, and C.F. Hodgman#. Phytoecdysteroids Accelerate Recovery of Skeletal Muscle Function Following in vivo Eccentric Contraction-Induced Injury in Adult and Old Mice. Frontiers in Rehabilitation Sciences - Exercise and Aging with Musculoskeletal Conditions. 2. 1-13. November 2021. doi: 10.3389/fresc.2021.757789
- Koopmans, P.J.# and K.A. Zwetsloot. A simple and inexpensive running wheel model for progressive resistance training in mice. Journal of Visualized Experiments. (182), e63933, April 2022. doi:10.3791/63933
- Stewart, J.A.#, E.K. Merritt, D.E. Lidstone, J.M. McBride, and K.A. Zwetsloot. Prolonged cycling lowers subsequent running mechanical efficiency in collegiate triathletes. BMC Sports Science, Medicine, and Rehabilitation. 14(149). August 2022. doi: 10.1186/s13102-022-00543-w
- Koopmans, P.J.#, T.K. Williams-Frey#, and K.A. Zwetsloot. "Stuart has got the PoWeR! Skeletal muscle adaptations to a novel heavy progressive weighted wheel running exercise model in C57BL/6 mice." Experimental Physiology. 109:271-282.October 2023.
- Koopmans, P.J.#, K.A. Zwetsloot, and K.A. Murach. Invited Review: “Going Nuclear: Molecular adaptations to exercise mediated by myonuclei” - Special Issue: "Molecular Mechanisms of Exercise-Induced Skeletal Muscle Health”; Sports Medicine and Health Science. 5.1. March 2023. doi: 10.1016/j.smhs.2022.11.005
- Brooks, C.N., M.E. Wight#, O.E. Azeez#, R.M. Bleich, and K.A. Zwetsloot. Invited Review: “Growing old together: What we know about the influence of diet and exercise on the aging host’s microbiome.” Frontiers in Sports and Active Living. 5:1168731. April 2023. doi: 10.3389/fspor.2023.1168731

Title: Professor, PhD, Bioenergetics, Graduate Faculty
Email address: Email me
Phone: (828) 262-7281
Fax: (828) 262-3138