- 2001-2006 East Carolina University - Greenville, NC
- Department of Exercise and Sport Science
- Ph.D. Bioenergetics
- Mentor: G. Lynis Dohm Ph.D., Department of Physiology
- Dissertation Title: The Role of PKCBeta in Skeletal Muscle Insulin Resistance.
- 1999-2001 California State University, Chico Chico, CA
- Department of Kinesiology
- M.A. Physical Education (emphasis in Exercise Physiology)
- Mentor: John (Jack) Azevedo Ph.D.
- Thesis Title: Correlation of Glucose Transport and GlucoseTransporter Protein in Human Skeletal Muscle.
- 1994-1999 California State University, Chico Chico, CA
- Department of Physical Education and Exercise Science
- B.S. Exercise Physiology
Teaching Specialties
- Obesity Prevention, Chronic and Infectious Disease, Rural Public Health, Exercise Physiology and Prescription, and Emergency Response & CPR
Current Courses Being Taught
- Introduction to Public Health (PH 2000)
- Emergency Care and CPR (PH 3100)
- Obesity Prevention (PH 4400)
- Seminar in Rural Public Health (PH 4650)
Previous Teaching
- Fitness in Health Promotion (HP 3000)
- Biostatistics (HP 4100)
- Epidemiology (HP 4200)
- Weight Mangaement (HP 4400)
Professional Affiliations
- American Public Health Association (APHA)
- American Red Cross
Community Affiliations
- Watauga Housing Council Volunteer
- Hunger and Health Coalition Volunteer
Research Interests
- Obesity and Insulin Resistance
Publications and Presentations
- R. Andrew Shanely, Jennifer J. Zwetsloot, Thomas J. Jurrissen, Lauren T. Carson, Kevin A. Zwetsloot, Alan R. Needle, Anna E. Bishop, Guoyao Wu, and Penelope Perikns-Veazie. Daily watermelon consumption decreases plasma sVCAM-1 levels in overweight and obese postmenopausal women. Journal of Nutrition Research. 2020 Apr;76:9-19.
- Bouldin ED, Vandenberg A, Roy M, Hege A, Zwetsloot JJ, Howard JS. Prevalence and domains of disability within and outside Appalachian North Carolina: 2013-2016 BRFSS. Disability and Health Journal. 2020 Apr;13(2).
- Sharaievska I, Battista RA, Zwetsloot J, Use of Physical Activity Monitoring Devices by Families in Rural Communities: Qualitative Approach. JMIR Pediatr Parent 2019;2(1):e10658.
- Jennifer J. Zwetsloot, Rebecca A. Battista, Kristopher Hartley, Chris Demczar, Alanna Young, and Erica Larson. Reducing attrition and improving program adherence in a physician-referred weight loss program for adults. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. May 2018.
- Jennifer J. Zwetsloot, Lindsey Miller, Barrett Ward, Christina Gilboy, Hannah McGlamery. The Acute Resting Metabolic Response to Energy Deficit caused by Increased Expenditure vs. Caloric Restriction. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 47(5S):639, May 2015.
- Zwetsloot, J.J., E.B. Tapscott, P. Buttrick, M. Leitges, G.L. Dohm. PKC beta knockout blocks insulin stimulated IRS1ser307 phosphorylation. Experimental Biology 2006, San Francisco, CA. FASEB, (Abstract Supplement), #209.13, 2006.
- John P. Thyfault, Melaine G.-Cree, Jill A. Bell, Jennifer J. Zwetsloot, Timothy R. Koves, Robert R. Wolfe, Deborah M. Muoio and G.L. Dohm. The impact of obesity, muscle contraction, and insulin on skeletal muscle lipids: a lipidomics approach. Integrative Biology of Exercise, 2006.
- Zwetsloot, J.J., D. Zheng, W. Pories, K. MacDonald, and G.L. Dohm. Link between PKCb and IRS-1 serine phosphorylation in obese human skeletal muscle. American Diabetes Association Annual Meeting 2005, San Diego, CA. Diabetes, 54 (Supplement 1), A324, #1335-P, 2005.

Title: Senior Lecturer, PhD, Bioenergetics, Director, Departmental Honors in Public Health, Graduate Faculty (Affiliate), Vice Chair of Faculty Senate
Email address: Email me
Phone: (828) 262-6800
Fax: (828) 262-3138