- 2001-2006 East Carolina University - Greenville, NC
- Department of Exercise and Sport Science
- Ph.D. Bioenergetics
- Mentor: G. Lynis Dohm Ph.D., Department of Physiology
- Dissertation Title: The Role of PKCBeta in Skeletal Muscle Insulin Resistance.
- 1999-2001 California State University, Chico Chico, CA
- Department of Kinesiology
- M.A. Physical Education (emphasis in Exercise Physiology)
- Mentor: John (Jack) Azevedo Ph.D.
- Thesis Title: Correlation of Glucose Transport and GlucoseTransporter Protein in Human Skeletal Muscle.
- 1994-1999 California State University, Chico Chico, CA
- Department of Physical Education and Exercise Science
- B.S. Exercise Physiology
Teaching Specialties
- Obesity Prevention, Chronic and Infectious Disease, Rural Public Health, Exercise Physiology and Prescription, and Emergency Response & CPR
Current Courses Being Taught
- Introduction to Public Health (PH 2000)
- Emergency Care and CPR (PH 3100)
- Obesity Prevention (PH 4400)
- Seminar in Rural Public Health (PH 4650)
Previous Teaching
- Fitness in Health Promotion (HP 3000)
- Biostatistics (HP 4100)
- Epidemiology (HP 4200)
- Weight Mangaement (HP 4400)
Professional Affiliations
- American Public Health Association (APHA)
- American Red Cross
Community Affiliations
- Watauga Housing Council Volunteer
- Hunger and Health Coalition Volunteer
Research Interests
- Obesity and Insulin Resistance
Publications and Presentations
R. Andrew Shanely, Jennifer J. Zwetsloot, Thomas J. Jurrissen, Lauren T. Carson, Kevin A. Zwetsloot, Alan R. Needle, Anna E. Bishop, Guoyao Wu, and Penelope Perikns-Veazie. Daily watermelon consumption decreases plasma sVCAM-1 levels in overweight and obese postmenopausal women. Journal of Nutrition Research. 2020 Apr;76:9-19.
Bouldin ED, Vandenberg A, Roy M, Hege A, Zwetsloot JJ, Howard JS. Prevalence and domains of disability within and outside Appalachian North Carolina: 2013-2016 BRFSS. Disability and Health Journal. 2020 Apr;13(2).
Sharaievska I, Battista RA, Zwetsloot J, Use of Physical Activity Monitoring Devices by Families in Rural Communities: Qualitative Approach. JMIR Pediatr Parent 2019;2(1):e10658.
Jennifer J. Zwetsloot, Rebecca A. Battista, Kristopher Hartley, Chris Demczar, Alanna Young, and Erica Larson. Reducing attrition and improving program adherence in a physician-referred weight loss program for adults. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. May 2018.
Jennifer J. Zwetsloot, Lindsey Miller, Barrett Ward, Christina Gilboy, Hannah McGlamery. The Acute Resting Metabolic Response to Energy Deficit caused by Increased Expenditure vs. Caloric Restriction. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 47(5S):639, May 2015.
Zwetsloot, J.J., E.B. Tapscott, P. Buttrick, M. Leitges, G.L. Dohm. PKC beta knockout blocks insulin stimulated IRS1ser307 phosphorylation. Experimental Biology 2006, San Francisco, CA. FASEB, (Abstract Supplement), #209.13, 2006.
John P. Thyfault, Melaine G.-Cree, Jill A. Bell, Jennifer J. Zwetsloot, Timothy R. Koves, Robert R. Wolfe, Deborah M. Muoio and G.L. Dohm. The impact of obesity, muscle contraction, and insulin on skeletal muscle lipids: a lipidomics approach. Integrative Biology of Exercise, 2006.
Zwetsloot, J.J., D. Zheng, W. Pories, K. MacDonald, and G.L. Dohm. Link between PKCb and IRS-1 serine phosphorylation in obese human skeletal muscle. American Diabetes Association Annual Meeting 2005, San Diego, CA. Diabetes, 54 (Supplement 1), A324, #1335-P, 2005.

Title: Senior Lecturer, PhD, Bioenergetics, Director, Departmental Honors in Public Health, Graduate Faculty (Affiliate), Vice Chair of Faculty Senate
Email address: Email me
Phone: (828) 262-6800
Fax: (828) 262-3138