Environmental Physiology Laboratories
Leon Levine Hall for Health Sciences houses 3 rooms dedicated towards assessing physiologic responses to the environment.
Environmental Physiology Lab (118E/F)
The environmental chamber is a state-of-the-art facility that allows the simulation of various environmental extremes. It consists of a 250 sq ft Cantrol Environmental Chamber capable of temperature and humidity ranges from 5-45°C and 15-100% rh, respectively. An integrated Altitude Control Technology (ACT) system simulates altitude (normobaric hypoxia) up to approximately 13,000ft. The Chamber is surrounded by wet lab space housing an ETO gas sterilizer, centrifuge, and blood draw equipment. Laboratory computers are available for data collection and analysis.
Thermal and Microcirculation Lab (118)
The Thermal and Microvascular Physiology Laboratory is a 450 sq ft state-of-the-art laboratory containing equipment to investigate a multitude of physiological responses to environmental stressors, including contaminant exposure, core body temperature responses, skin blood flow, hemodynamics and sweating. The Thermal and Microvascular Physiology Laboratory sits adjacent to the environment chamber.
Equipment list:
Equivital core temperature and physiological monitoring system (1)
Single point laser Doppler flowmetry probes (Moore Instruments, 6 probes)
Local heating units to house laser Doppler probes (Moore Instruments, 4 units)
Water perfused suits for whole body heating/cooling (4 suits, varying size)
Circulating water baths (7 L volume, 2 units) for use with water perfused suits
FLIR T620 Thermal Imaging Camera, 307200 Pixels (640 x 480)
FLIR T198583 Tool+ Reporting Software Suite
Dataq DI-720 Data acquisition system with additional DI-78B expansion unit for Tsk measurement
WinDaq Pro data analysis software
Copper-constantan Type T thermocouples (6 probes, Tsk measurement)
Baby Bee microinfusion pumps (4) and Bee Hive control unit (1) for microdialysis drug delivery
Medline Alterra 1100 electronic hospital bed
Ohaus DV114C microbalance
AN74i Anprolene Ethylene Oxide gas sterilizer system
BioPac data acquisition system with SKT100-C temperature amplifier and TSD202F core thermistor probe
Vaisala HUMICAP© HM70 hand held humidity and temperature meter
Ventilated sweat capsule system with HMP110 Temperature/humidity probes (4 capsules/probes) for continuous regional sweating rate measurement
Ph Bench meter, FE20 (Mettler Toledo) with LE438 electrode with integrated temperature sensor.
VWR Lockable glass front laboratory refrigerator/freezer (4°C /-20°)
GE Critikon Dinamap pro400 vitals sign monitor (refurbished)